Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Tip#893: Focus & Resilience, Part 2 - The Walk IMAX 3D

I remember a powerful team building retreat I attended years ago where we each walked along a telephone pole over 20 feet above the ground. I was surprised at how paralyzing it was not being able to take my first step out. Though I had a safety harness I just couldn’t move. It was pure fear. Then I heard my team below shouting encouragements and saying, “one step at a time”.

So I focused my mind and eyes on just the pole in front of me and remembered to breathe. In my peripheral vision I could see my destination at the end. And then ever so slowly slide one foot forward, then another and then another. Soon I was halfway and my courage and confidence had increased. By the end of the pole I felt fantastic! I felt like a king!

This was a life-changing event and I would later apply what I learned with any challenge I’d face when I felt overwhelmed with a task. I’d welcome encouragement, breathe, focus and then take one small step forward. It was thrilling to see this process of focusing in the highly entertaining movie The Walk!

The Walk (2015)

The biographical drama thriller, The Walk, is based on the true story of French high-wire artist Philippe Petit's (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in 1974. This cinematically dazzling experience must be seen in IMAX 3D! Each scene is visually rich and often breathtaking thanks to director Robert Zemeckis’s imagination as seen in his other films, Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, Contact and Castaway. See: movie trailer

This film is also rich with inspirational themes. Petit demonstrates great passion for making his dream and vision come true of walking the twin towers. He shows great resilience and focus both on training, strategizing his goal AND then on the actual event of the walk. This is where a powerful scene is shown of how he prepares his mind to focus on being in the moment and 100% present to achieve his goal. Petit also comes to realize and appreciate the members of his team that helped him achieve his dream and vision. In the end the movie is a love letter to the memory of the World Trade Centers.

Inspiring Themes:
• Passion
• Perseverance & Persistence
• Indestructible Optimism
• Resilience
• Following a dream
• Having a vision
• Focusing on Goal/Task
• Strategic Thinking/Creative Thinking
• Supportive Relationships/Teamwork

You have the ability to focus and be resilient with any challenge, task, dream or goal you face. It may take time to accomplish and yet all you have to do is take that first step. And even before you take that step remember to welcome help and encouragement, breathe and focus!

Related Tips:
Tip#389: Focus On The Reality You Want – Inception
Tip#665: Your Greatness, Purpose & Focus – Man of Steel
Tip#725: Focus & Resilience, Part 1 – Hunger Games: Catching Fire – 42 
Tip#893: Focus & Resilience, Part 2 - The Walk IMAX 3D
Tip#957: Focus & Resilience, Part 3 - Race


Remember How Movies Can Help You: 
A) Entertain & Escape 
B) Re-energize & Release 
C) Insights, Inspiration & Epiphanies

Emmanuel Lopez-Motivatorman
Motivational Speaker & Resilience Expert
Discover How Movies Inspire Resilience in Your Work & Life!
See website:

© Emmanuel Lopez 2015

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